This is great... I am glad it worked, and more importantly thank you for
sharing the modified version as well.


On 7/26/07, agent2026 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Added first/last jumps.  Tried to figure out a way to have the same
amount of page numbers displayed at all times, but that was getting
complicated quickly.

Anyway, here it is. For some reason if I set the step to 1 or 2, I end
up with an empty page on the end.  Hope someone can have a look and
take this further.

// John Resig's Pager - //
// modified July 2007 - Adam Davis (agent2026) //

$.fn.pager = function(step,spread) {
var types = {
   UL: "li",
   OL: "li",
   DL: "dt",
   TABLE: "tr"

return this.each(function(){
   var type = types[this.nodeName];
   var pagedUI = type == "tr" ? $("tbody",this) : $(this);
   var rows = $(type, pagedUI);
   var curPage = 0;
   var names = [], num = [];

   if ( !step || step.constructor != Function ) {
     step = step || 10;

     if (rows.length > step)
       for ( var i = 0; i <= rows.length; i += step ) {
         names.push( names.length + 1 );
         num.push( [ i, step ] );
   } else {
     var last;
       var l = step( this );
       if ( l != last ) {
         names.push( l );
         var pre = num.length ? num[ num.length - 1 ][0] +
num[ num.length - 1 ][1] : 0;

         num.push( [ pre, 0 ] );
         last = l;

       num[ num.length - 1 ][1]++;

   if ( names.length > 1 ) {
     var pager = $(this).prev("ul.nav-page").empty();

     if ( !pager.length )
       pager = $("<ul class='nav-page'></ul>");

     for ( var i = 0; i < names.length; i++ )
       $("<a href=''></a>").attr({
         rel: i, innerHTML: names[i]
       }).click(function() {
         return handleCrop( this.rel );

     pager.insertBefore( this );

     var prev = $("<a href=''>&laquo; Prev</a>").click(function(){
       return handleCrop( --curPage );
     }).wrap("<li class='prev, noTrim'></

     var next = $("<a href=''>Next &raquo;</a>").click(function(){
       return handleCrop( ++curPage );
     }).wrap("<li class='next, noTrim'></

// add first/last jumps - agent2026 //

     var fJump = $("<a href=''>&lsaquo; First</a>").click(function(){
       return handleCrop( 0 );
     }).wrap("<li class='first, noTrim'></

     var lJump = $("<a href=''>Last &rsaquo;</a>").click(function(){
       return handleCrop( names.length-1 );
     }).wrap("<li class='last, noTrim'></

// end first/last //

     handleCrop( 0 );

   function handleCrop( page ) {
     curPage = page - 0;
     var s = num[ curPage ][0];
     var e = num[ curPage ][1];

     if ( !curPage ) prev.hide();

     if ( curPage == names.length - 1 ) next.hide();

// show first/last only when needed - agent2026 //

     if ( curPage < 3 ) fJump.hide();

     if ( curPage > names.length - 4 ) lJump.hide();

// end show //

       .eq( curPage + 2 ) // increase +1 to +2 to account for new <li
class="first"> - agent2026 //

       jQuery.makeArray( rows ).slice( s, s + e )
     return false;

// trim pages when page count is high using spread - agent2026 //

   function pageTrim(){


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