Thanks, that got me on the right track.  Just to follow through, I
ended up passing a spread variable (number of pages on either side of
the current page) to pager.js, and calling this function at the end:

    function pageTrim(){

I could chain the first two lines, but combining lt() and gt() this
way is problematic as I don't want what's in between, but what's
outside if you see what I mean.  The +-1 adjustments keep things even
on either side for some reason.  So not the prettiest, but gets the
job done.

I might delve further to try and add some leaps (first...
25...50...100...last).  Would be nice to finally have a usable pager
out there.

On Jul 25, 11:02 pm, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Something like this should work to get the index of the li relative to the
> list. There could be a shorter way, but u get the idea...
> var liIndex;
> $("ul.nav-page li").each(function(i) {
>    if($(this).is(".curr")) {
>       liIndex = i;
>       return;
>    }
> });
> -GTG
> On 7/25/07, agent2026 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey everyone,
> > I'm working on some pagination.  Before I move on to my issue, the
> > best pagination plugin I've found is John's pager (
> > api/js/pager.js). But it doesn't seem that this is being developed
> > further, and the only other I've found (
> > pager, listed on is really only suited to paginating large
> > amounts of text, and not lists. Is there anything else out there?
> > So far, John's pager is looking really good but for one problem - it
> > has no handling for situations with a high number of pages.  So, I'm
> > trying to break it up - first prev  2 3 4 5 6 ... 10 ... 20 next last
> > - sort of thing instead of  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
> > 18 19 20 21 22 23 ... etc.
> > For this I figure I can use gt() and lt() as a start at least to trim
> > off the edges so to speak, but I can't figure out how to get the index
> > of the li with the current page (which has a class of 'cur') relative
> > to the list and not every element in the DOM.  If I could get that,
> > then I'm guessing I could hide anything greater/less than the current
> > index plus/minus 5 for example.
> > Alternatively, and probably easier, each link in the pagination has a
> > 'rel' attribute numbered sequentially, but I can't seem to get
> > anything by .attr('rel');
> > Here's the mark up generated by John's pager (shortened for
> > simplicity):
> > <ul class="nav-page">
> > <li style="display: none;" class="prev"><a href="">« Prev</a></li>
> > <li class="cur"><a rel="0" href="">1</a></li>
> > <li class=""><a rel="1" href="">2</a></li>
> > <li class=""><a rel="2" href="">3</a></li>
> > <li class=""><a rel="3" href="">4</a></li>
> > <li class=""><a rel="4" href="">5</a></li>
> > <li class="next"><a href="">Next »</a></li>
> > </ul>
> > Any help greatly appreciated.
> > Thanks,
> > Adam

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