Progressive Enhancement vs. Graceful Degradation
The concepts of graceful degradation and progressive enhancement are
often applied to describe browser support strategies. Indeed, they are
closely related approaches to the engineering of "fault tolerance".

These two concepts influence decision-making about browser support.
Because they reflect different priorities, they frame the support
discussion differently. Graceful degradation prioritizes presentation,
and permits less widely-used browsers to receive less (and give less
to the user). Progressive enhancement puts content at the center, and
allows most browsers to receive more (and show more to the user).
While close in meaning, progressive enhancement is a healthier and
more forward-looking approach. Progressive enhancement is a core
concept of Graded Browser Support.

So to my understanding,

Unobtrusive Javascript  ~ Graceful Degradation

not really a good thing and not the same as Progressive Enhancement

On 8月16日, 下午10時13分, Pops <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I"ve seen this term referred to a few times, especially here:
> What does Unobtrusive Javascript mean?
> I am getting the idea that jQuery offers a way to bypass a user
> turning off JavaScript?
> How does jQuery do this?
> Thanks

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