I am confused, in the blog I read "[...] new functionality have been introduced. [...] slide() ...

but I download the direct link of jQuery and also, I updated from the SVN trunk and build. I don't see any slide() method, also I test with $("#something").slide(1) but I get:

.slide is not a function

Also, I see that jquery.pack.js now weight 23kB, using the new version of Dean Edwards /Packer/
the result is 22kB and works perfectly I suggest update to the new packer code.

I continue testing with my current projects (in this moment works well with my old code for 1.1.2 version
of jQuery, without retouching the code) :-P

John Resig escribió:
Hi Everyone -

jQuery 1.1.4 has just been released! The full details of this release
can be found on the jQuery blog:

Suffice it to say that some significant speed increases, test coverage
increases, and API reductions have been made. Please let us know if
you encounter any new problems from jQuery


Best Regards,
José Francisco Rives Lirola <sevir1ATgmail.com>

SeViR CW · Computer Design
Murcia - Spain

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