The .eq() method wasn't removed in 1.1.4, it was deprecated. All that
means is that you should begin to transition away from it to thew new
.slice() method (since .eq() will be removed in jQuery 1.2). Yeah, we
definitely wouldn't want to break plugins on a minor release, like


On 8/24/07, Bernd Matzner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'd rather work on UI Tabs aka Tabs 3 at the moment... :-)
> I heard that! Looking forward to it ;-)
> > But ok, I'll fix that, I only need to figure out a way to support both
> > 1.1.4 and less than 1.1.4 versions.
> I think it would be enough to post a notice on your tabs page about it
> not working in 1.1.4.
> While I really find the move to slice() a great one, it's rather weird
> for a minor-minor version jump to remove methods, because with the
> sheer amount of plugins out there (Tabs even being an "official" one),
> it's guaranteed a lot of people won't be able to update unless they
> want to start fixing these plugins themselves or complaining to the
> authors about it ;-)
> Bernd

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