
I've been doing some digging to find that leak and I believe it had
been resolved since the 5th ticket in our Trac.

I also don't encounter any leaks in my own tests.

-Olmo M.

On Aug 25, 8:30 pm, "John Resig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just took a look at prototype.js andmootools.js, neither are
> > depended on a "Lets hope if this best guess 13ms always works" timer
> > concept.
> Right, so they leak every single time you use them, both libraries are
> quite naive about the issue of memory leaks.
> If you're looking for some form of justification for what we're doing
> look at Yahoo 
> UI:
> In build/connection/connection.js look for handleReadyState which does
> all the polling.
> Also, Dojo is using this particular method for querying XHR 
> state:
> Yahoo UI is also using a polling interval of 50ms for XHR, which they
> seemed to just pick arbitrarily. Just to emphasize that point, look in
> Yahoo UI's build/animation/animation.js where they set their delay on
> their animation timers to 1ms.
> I think you're missing a couple points here:
> - JavaScript engines are not multi-threaded. There's no such thing as
> a locking or synchronization issue within JavaScript. The XHR request
> won't return or finish until the current JS is finished executing.
> - setTimeout and setInterval do not create threads. The push functions
> onto the JavaScript stack to be executed at a later time (so if a
> script never stops running a timeout will never be called).
> - The units passed to setTimeout are arbitrary, it's still at the
> browsers discretion as to when they're actually executed. They're not
> sent straight to the processor for handling - all operations are
> delegated by the browser.
> So, yes, we might as well pick 1ms, Yahoo UI seems to think it's ok,
> there's no particular reason for not doing so - nor has it made any
> particular effect upon the system for not having done so. In the case
> of Ajax, the query rate could probably be slowed down to something
> like 50ms, and for animations, increased to something like 1ms.
> The issues at play here are phenomenally more complicated, and
> nuanced, then they're made out to be.
> --John

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