The hover "bug" in the home page is not an actual MooTools bug. It has
to do with the layout of the page. There's a demo at: that you won't see the problem.


-Olmo M.

On Aug 26, 5:36 pm, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In my opinion (and only my opinion) i think that it is kinda disturbing if
> we hover on one item and immediately if we hover on another item, the
> accordian doesn't open for the second item.
> If you look at the home page, you see the kwick(horizontal
> acoordian). I am working on something like that. I am facing the same
> problem there as well. But in the mootools site, if you hover from the left
> end to the right end fast, you could see that the intermediate items
> partially animate...
> As far as i know this can be solved using the stop() method in fx. But the
> stop() method is available only as part of the interface's animation
> extension. John has promised that as part of the core in 1.2 though.
> So, again, in my opinion, i would favor an approach where if we hover over
> one item and then immediately if we hover over the other item before the
> animation of first is complete, then the animation of the first item should
> be stopped in the middle and the second animation should start. That would
> be ideal. But i am not sure how easy or difficult it is.
> I am keen and willing to do any help that might be required.
> -GTG
> On 8/26/07, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ganeshji Marwaha schrieb:
> > > Jörn, this is fantastic... very re-usable as well..
> > > I have a question/suggestion though... When i hover over one of the
> > > items, and before the animation completes if i hover over another
> > > item, the animation for the second item doesn't occur. Now, i will
> > > have to move my mouse out of that item and hover over it again to get
> > > the other item to expand. Is it something that can be fixed, or is it
> > > a known limitation that we will have to live by...
> > Well, so far that was intended to be a feature, not a bug. The
> > combination of long-running animations with hover is annoying, right.
> > But it is also annoying when the accordion keeps changing on each mouse
> > move, even when you didn't intend to get a different chunk. "Fixing" it
> > isn't difficult, but it is difficult to decide what the right fix
> > actually is. Your help is appreciated.
> > -- Jörn

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