Gerson Goulart escreveu:
Jörn Zaefferer escreveu:
Gerson Goulart schrieb:
Hi all!

I'm not a programmer (and don't speak English), but I'm trying to do
both. =D

I'm looking for a simple solution to do a simple tree menu like the
Windows Explorer during some days. All solutions I find are terible,
in my opinion (including dtree ) :p

I decided to do a very simple tree menu using JQuery and HTML
unnordered list. However I only applyed the funtionality in the first
<li><ul> node. (Do you can comprehend what I'm speaking?)

Can someone help me?
Have you ever looked at my treeview plugin?

It may still need a bit CSS tuning, but otherwise its running fine. 
I'm nearly there to release a new version that includes both location 
and cookie based persistance. And you can add nodes to the tree.

-- Jörn

Your  treeview sounds realy interesting! Good Job!

I analyzed prudent all the code and really I liked.  However I find that 
it is much sophisticated for my present need... I am making an effort to 
have a code with the maximum of 10 lines.

I looked in jquery.treeview.js for a solution to fix my code, but it is 
very complicated to my knowledge about _javascript_/jQuery.

Anyway I very thank the hint. Really it is a very good work. Some day I 
will know to program like this ;)

There I need alone uncover because the line: 

  $("#body-menu-div li>ul").parent().each(function() {

does not catch every <li> that contains an <ul> on this code:

<script type="text/_javascript_">
  $("#body-menu-div li>ul").parent().each(function() {
    $(this).html( "<a href="" class=\"expand\"></a>" + $(this).html() );
    $(this).children(".expand").click(function() {

An obbservation: I'm trying to learn jQuery and, if I understood correct, $("#body-menu-div li>ul") should to find all <ul> inside <li> elements, and .parent() should to select this <li> parent of <ul>.

I understood wrong?  Or is this a bug in jQuery?


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