Hi Guy,
all good tips from you.
I thought too it would be better to wrap the UL with the necessary DIV
automatically, and i'll do that today if i got some minutes.
The hoverintent is a good tip too, i'll work on how to make it work
with liScroll leaving the developer the freedom to choose if include
or not in liScroll.

On Oct 17, 9:24 pm, Guy Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> GianCarlo Mingati wrote:
> > Hi all.
> >http://www.gcmingati.net/wordpress/wp-content/lab/jquery/newsticker/j...
> > This is my scrolling news ticker plugin for jQuery.
> Nice plugin. Would it be possible to have the plugin automatically add
> the divs and the class to the ul? That way any unordered list could be
> turned in to a ticker without modifying the source HTML. This would be
> particularly useful in portal systems where it's often impossible to get
> the raw HTML changed at source.
> It would also be nice if you could make it compatible with the Hover
> Intent plugin - when available, this would allow the ticker to continue
> scrolling if the mouse quickly passes over it (eg. if I'm just moving
> the mouse to some other link outside the ticker, but the mouse goes over
> the ticker en-route):http://jquery.com/plugins/project/hoverIntent
> BTW, I was extremely impressed by the brevity of the code :)
> Guy

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