
It is a choice of developer. You can do that at server side using
PHP(in this case) and
at client side using the methods of jqGrid.
I have updated the grid and you can find a couple of methods to do
If you want you can view the new methods.


On 22 Окт, 23:20, Ryura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Tony. I realized I had forgotten to comment the JSON lines that
> needed to be commented, and also the Javascript was looking for
> server.php when it was really example.php.
> It seems to be working fine now! Great job on everything. This is by
> far one of the best jQuery plugins yet.
> I'm not too skilled with PHP, but is there a way I can dynamically
> decide the rank of a person depending on how many points they have?
> This is probably irrelevant but you are highly knowledgeable so I
> though I would ask.
> Thanks :)

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