I don't usually run both at the same time, but I have, and it works. I'm on
a 2GHz Core 2 Duo iMac with 3GB of RAM (the most it will take). I use both
Parallels and Fusion because I started with Parallels, and it has more
features, but it's more resource intensive, so for things like video
conferencing from within Windows, Fusion works much better.

Seriously, I can not stress enough that getting a Mac has significantly
increased my web development productivity (can test FF Mac/Windows, Safari
Mac/Windows, IE6/7 (in true separate OS instances), Linuxes, etc). As has
dual screens (though I'd really like 3: one for code, one for the web
browser, and one for server logs/terminal).

I've been a diehard, build my own PC user forever, but now I tell everyone
to get a Mac.

Sorry to wonder OT.


On 1/24/08, Mika Tuupola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 24, 2008, at 7:16 PM, Karl Swedberg wrote:
> > Of course you could also install two virtual machines, one with IE6
> > and one with IE7. I do this with my Mac and Parallels (Fusion also
> > works well), and I'm sure there are Windows VM apps out there.
> I could imagine running two Windowses at the same time is quite a
> memory hog. How much do you have? 10G ? :)
> --
> Mika Tuupola
> http://www.appelsiini.net/

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