email to the jQuery mailing list and an obscure post in the  
Ext.js forums and 20 hours and 687 downloads later I've exceeded my  
bandwidth. ;) Bummer...

Well...while I look for new hosting, anybody who is still interested  
in getting this code can get it from Google Code (where it was hosted  
in the first place).

I should be back up and running within a few days, just time enough  
to transfer the domain registration.



On Jan 25, 2008, at 4:57 PM, Mike Alsup wrote:

> I think I over simplified this.  There will need to be a few other  
> changes.
> But you see where I'm going...
> Of course there are more restrictions than one might expect from a
>> traditional jQuery plugin (like not being able to pass options on  
>> a per-call
>> basis), but it's a pretty minor change.  Food for thought.
>> Mike

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