=== jQuery code ===
                        if ( $(this).parent("fieldset").hasClass("collapsed") ) 
                        else {

=== HTML ===

<fieldset class="collapsible collapsed group_5">
                <a class="toggle" href="javascript:void(0)">Board Meeting
Minutes and Resolutions</a>
        <div class="container oddRow">
                <div class="doc-date">02/13/2007</div>
                <div class="doc-title">Letter of Resignation - Vice President
of Human Resources eff. 02/28/07</div>

=== Notes ===
Doesn't error, but it sure doesn't do anything either.  Tried alerting
some attributes like class or the typeof $(this).parent("fieldset")
but kept coming up with undefined.  There isn't any other fieldset
above that one.  I used to have the code -- if ($
(this.parentNode.parentNode).hasClass("collapsed') -- and it worked.
Can't determine what .parent() is doing for me here, besides

Appreciate any help or advice

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