Hi, in a control panel I have a form that collect a lot of data.
Inside this form I want to collect N images using the ajaxform plugin
to permit an ajaxLike file upload.

The problem is that if I use this markup :

<form name="collectData" id="collectData" ...>
<input type="text" value="" name="name">

  <form name="ajaximgupload" id="ajaximgupload">
    <input type="file" name="img" />
    <input type="submit" />

<input type="submit">

and this javascript:

var options = { success:    function(){ alert('ok');} };

If I press on the "ajaximgupload" submit button I submit the entire
"collectData" form, ignoring the ajaxForm call.

I now that is not correct to put a form inside another form, but for
layout problem I can't close the form tag (the img upload is in the
2nd tab of a 5 tab form).
I've tried playing around ajaxSubmit, but didn't find a solution.

Do you have something to suggest me?

Thank you

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