Best practice is to set the href on the element that trigger's the
AJAX call to the file URL it's loading, then preventing default. This
way spiders will see it as a normal link and it will remain in

You can also use a sitemap.xml file to tell bots where to search.

- ricardo

On Oct 23, 10:41 am, edzah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I am creating a product page that has a jquery script that hides/
> unhides divs to show the currently select product. I've just realised
> that we have too many products to load them all on the same page.
> Instead I want to load the content of each div in when they are
> selected. That means that the pages I am loading from will not be
> spidered as they are javascript loads.
> Doing a bit of reading I noticed that some people were talking about
> putting an anchor tag in too.
> What do I do, just put a load of anchor tags at the bottom to all the
> content that will be loaded via jquery, with no anchor text or
> something. So that the anchor tags are there for the spider bot but
> not for the user.
> ?
> Ed

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