Either depends: "#countrycode[value=1]" or depends: function() {
return $("#countrycode").val() == '1'; }


On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 8:42 PM, luke adamis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK
> this works:
>                        current_password: {
>                                        minlength: 6,
>                                        required: {
>                                                depends:
> "#new_password:filled"
>                                          }
>                                        },
> I still need to figure out how to get a value recognized:
>                        zip: {
>                                        required: {
>                                                depends: "#countrycode:'1'"
>                                          }
>                                         },
> Luke
> On Dec 2, 2008, at 11:44 AM, luke adamis wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using the Validate() plugin for various forms and I run into
>> this issue with the depends method on various places.
>> So far I found only two references to dealing with depends:
>> http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/validate
>> $(".selector").validate({
>>    rules: {
>>      contact: {
>>        required: true,
>>        email: {
>>          depends: function(element) {
>>            return $("#contactform_email:checked")
>>          }
>>        }
>>      }
>>    }
>> })
>> http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/2456
>> billingAddress: {
>>   required:true,
>>   minlength:5
>>   equalTo: {
>>     param: "#shippingaddress",
>>     depends: "#compare:checked"
>>   }
>> }
>> first of all non of these work for me so there must be something
>> going on with them. but my real problem is that I want validation
>> depending on fields other then checkboxes.
>> 1. I only want to require zip code if the selected country from a
>> drop down list is USA.
>> something like this:
>> zip: {
>>        required: {
>>                depends: "#countrycode:1"
>>                }
>>        },
>> where countrycode represents the country selector and 1 is the value
>> for USA
>> 2. in a from for password change I only want to require current
>> password if new password is entered.
>> something like this:
>> current_password: {
>>        minlength: 6,
>>        required: {
>>                depends: "#new_password"
>>                }
>>        },
>> with this one I'd assume that if new_password is not empty then set
>> the rule.
>> I also found this page:
>> http://dev.distilldesign.com/log/2008/mar/16/extending-jquery-form-
>> validation-plugin/
>> http://lab.distilldesign.com/jquery-form-validation/extending/
>> this one works, though he uses checkboxes as well. here he basically
>> extends the validate() plugin:
>> $.validator.addMethod('dependsOn', function (value, el, params) {
>>                                return !$(params.el).is(params.being) ||
>> $(el).is(':filled');
>>                        }, 'This field is required.');
>> then he uses the new method in the rule:
>> emailDependent: {
>>        dependsOn: {
>>                el: '#emailMethod',
>>                        being: ':checked'
>>                },
>>        email: true
>> },
>> I am not a javascript wizard so this method writing is getting my
>> head dizzy. Can anyone tell me if there is a simple way of using
>> depends in rules for validate() plugin?
>> Thanks,
>> Luke

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