I don't think you're not really understanding the selector syntax.
The 'id' is unique (or is supposed to be) and starts with a '#', and
the css syntax uses a name and value pair to set the attribute.  So:

$("#myimage).css('display", "inline");  // or "block"

or try this alternative:


or possibly:


The last one displays when hidden and hides if already visible.  I
assume that 'myimg' is not something you really intended to use for
the selector.

On Dec 9, 7:16 am, JQueryProgrammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <image id="myimage" myimgid="myimageid" src="baloon.jpg" />
> I want to check the style display for this image. I am doing as:
> $("image[myimgid='myimageid']").css("display");
> but its coming undefined. I cannot check it with id as my id is
> getting runtime generated. Please help.

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