Yea I can, its my private test site so its all still really unstable
but it shows the bug:
user: admin pass: google123

Once its loaded change to the myspace tab and you will see that the
overlay overlaps the bar at the bottom... is there anyway around this?
(Note ive commented out the unblock function so the element stays
blocked for debugging)

Thanks for any help!


On Jan 14, 12:55 am, Mike Alsup <mal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > There seems to be a bug that when you have a fixed element attached to
> > the bottom of the window and then try to block an element that goes
> > below the bottom of the window (scrolls) it overlaps onto the fixed
> > element.. its easier to show a picture:http://i44.tinypic.com/2z4wocn.jpg
> > Any ideas as to how I could resolve this?
> > --Sam
> Sam, could you post a link?

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