EDIT: Resolved, noticed that blockUI sets the z-index of it to 1000,
so in order for fixed elements to appear above it their z-index needs
to be higher than that value. Quite simple really :D

On Jan 15, 12:27 pm, Beaver6813 <s...@beaver6813.com> wrote:
> Hey,
> Yea I can, its my private test site so its all still really unstable
> but it shows the bug:http://www.new.fetchmp3.com/dev/search.php?q=Fall+Out+Boy
> user: admin pass: google123
> Once its loaded change to the myspace tab and you will see that the
> overlay overlaps the bar at the bottom... is there anyway around this?
> (Note ive commented out the unblock function so the element stays
> blocked for debugging)
> Thanks for any help!
> --Sam
> On Jan 14, 12:55 am, Mike Alsup <mal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > There seems to be a bug that when you have a fixed element attached to
> > > the bottom of the window and then try to block an element that goes
> > > below the bottom of the window (scrolls) it overlaps onto the fixed
> > > element.. its easier to show a picture:http://i44.tinypic.com/2z4wocn.jpg
> > > Any ideas as to how I could resolve this?
> > > --Sam
> > Sam, could you post a link?

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