
I'd like to announce jqPlot, a new charting plugin for jQuery.  jqPlot
was inspired by Flot, but has a more extensible plugin like
architecture.  For example, logarithmic axes are supported through a
logAxes plugin renderer.

There is a loose coupling between user inputs, data handling, and
drawing of the chart objects.  All graph elements are created through
"renderers".  This means that, independent of the jqPlot core code, a
new renderer to e.g. draw spider graphs can be written and plugged in.

The jqPlot home page can be found here::


Documentation is here:


and I've set up a discussion group at: 

jqPlot is fully functional, but is still under heavy development.
There may be bugs and not all features are implemented yet.  Some of
the current jqPlot features:

* Line/scatter graphs.
* Customizable line markers and line styles.
* Dual x/y axis support.
* Logarithmic x/y axis support (through plugin).
* Axis customizations including turning off tick marks and sprintf
style tick label formatting.
* Chart title, legend and grid formating and customization.

Features I'm currently working on:

* Better, stronger, faster documentation.
* Automatic trend line calculation.
* Bar/Column charts.
* Hi lo close (candlestick) charts.
* Bubble charts.
* Interactive features including highlighting and event support.

Take a look.  Give it a try.  Let me know what you think.  All
comments, criticisms and feedback are welcome.

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