> So the difference between jqPlot and Flot is that jqPlot is extensible or
> that your plugin will take plugins of it's own?

Both.  jqPlot is new from the ground up.  I did not base it off of the
Flot code.  I need to expand the documentation to show how to use it
and how to write plugins.  Coming soon!

> Are there other differences?  Can jqPlot do the same examples as 
> Flot's?http://people.iola.dk/olau/flot/examples/

I will put together a example page, it will probably serve as good
documentation also.

There are other differences. Most of the coding was done in the last 2
weeks, so much of the feature set is not yet implemented.  For
example, Flot does bar graphs and zooming. I have implimented log
axes, with Flot you need a custom patch.  I do plan on implementing
many of the same features because I need them on my projects.

The main difference with Flot is the way the code is structured.  If
someone needs some custom capability, say striping rows on the grid,
it would be easy for the programmer to implement this as a custom grid
renderer plugin in jqPlot.  He wouldn't have to worry about updates in
the core code breaking his customizations.  His plugin could also (if
desired) be offered to everyone else as a new jqPlot feature without
having to be merged into jqPlot.

On Apr 8, 10:32 pm, Ralph Whitbeck <ralph.whitb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Chris,
> So the difference between jqPlot and Flot is that jqPlot is extensible or
> that your plugin will take plugins of it's own?
> That's pretty cool if I got that right.
> Are there other differences?  Can jqPlot do the same examples as 
> Flot's?http://people.iola.dk/olau/flot/examples/
> Ralph
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 8:23 PM, Chris Leonello 
> <chris.leone...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'd like to announce jqPlot, a new charting plugin for jQuery.  jqPlot
> > was inspired by Flot, but has a more extensible plugin like
> > architecture.  For example, logarithmic axes are supported through a
> > logAxes plugin renderer.
> > There is a loose coupling between user inputs, data handling, and
> > drawing of the chart objects.  All graph elements are created through
> > "renderers".  This means that, independent of the jqPlot core code, a
> > new renderer to e.g. draw spider graphs can be written and plugged in.
> > The jqPlot home page can be found here::
> >http://code.google.com/p/jqplot/
> > Documentation is here:
> >http://www.hacknack.com/jqplot/
> > and I've set up a discussion group at:
> >http://groups.google.com/group/jqplot-users
> > jqPlot is fully functional, but is still under heavy development.
> > There may be bugs and not all features are implemented yet.  Some of
> > the current jqPlot features:
> > * Line/scatter graphs.
> > * Customizable line markers and line styles.
> > * Dual x/y axis support.
> > * Logarithmic x/y axis support (through plugin).
> > * Axis customizations including turning off tick marks and sprintf
> > style tick label formatting.
> > * Chart title, legend and grid formating and customization.
> > Features I'm currently working on:
> > * Better, stronger, faster documentation.
> > * Automatic trend line calculation.
> > * Bar/Column charts.
> > * Hi lo close (candlestick) charts.
> > * Bubble charts.
> > * Interactive features including highlighting and event support.
> > Take a look.  Give it a try.  Let me know what you think.  All
> > comments, criticisms and feedback are welcome.

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