your dialog options need tuning
			AutoOpen: false, ///   should be autoOpen
			bgiframe: true,
			height: 400, 
			width: 300, 
			maxHeight: 10, ///  10??
			maxWidth: 10, // 10?  
			modal: true, 
			resizable: true, 
			buttons: { "Ok": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } }

fredriley wrote:
Thanks for the reply, Charlie. Sorry I've not got back on it until

On Jun 11, 10:32 pm, Charlie <> wrote:
try taking the dialog constructor out of the click functions maybe load is firing before the dialog call is complete
this seems to be the norm, not trying to build it inside a click

Good thought, doesn't seem to make much difference, though. I've
changed the script in
so that the constructor goes in the 'document ready' block. Now the
dialogue appears on page load, despite the AutoOpen option being set
to false, and the weirdness described in my initial message

 also first link doesn't validate on w3 validator, always worth checking validation when DOM weirdness occurs

I hadn't thought of that. You're right, it didn't validate, but that
was down to me using the string "<div>" in the text and comments.
Removing the <> chars and rerunning the validator gave a clean bill of
health. That's a useful tip, though, which I'll remember to try in

Ok, no big, it's not that important and I can't spend any more time on
this issue - I'll just have to continue using spawned popup windows.
jQuery's a funny thing - the simplest things, like this, can take
hours to implement, whereas tough things, like the UI tabbed
interface, are wash 'n' go in a few tens of minutes. Ah well, I'll get
my head around it one day ;)




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