option tags are closed, i just didn't write them in here...


What I'm trying to do is update a second select box with options that
are specific to options in the first box.  Basically, a linked menus
program.  What was happening was all browser except IE were handling
the event function just fine.  IE wasn't recognizing any of the
selectors *above*, except the #parentMenu (by itself).

I basically got something to work, so now I'm just after information.
Why does IE ignore JQuery notation for handling child (classes or

You wrote " >option['parentMenu'] "... what is this notation called?

On Dec 10, 2:12 pm, "Josh Nathanson" <joshnathan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Maybe try closing the option tag?
> <option class="parentMenu"></option>
> -- Josh
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
> Behalf Of rob
> Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 12:54 PM
> To: jQuery (English)
> Subject: [jQuery] Selectors and Internet Explorer
> I'm having some problem with selectors in Internet Explorer.  I have
> this demo setup that is basically a modified "linked menus"
> application.  When you select something from one menu, it updates the
> contents in it's child menu.
> For some reason Internet Explorer will not read the correct selector.
> I have tested the following:  I've tried each of these selectors with
> and without "this".
> $(".parentMenu").click();
> $("#parentMenu > .parentMenu").click();
> $("#parentMenu > option").click();
> This was the only one I got to trigger anything.
> $("#parentMenu").click();
> The elements in question here are:
> <select class='selectMenu' id='parentMenu'>
>     <option class='parentMenu'>
> </select>
> My question is:
> Why do all the other browsers recognize the content within the
> <select> except internet explorer.  It seems like it won't call any of
> the option elements, whether they're created by script or loaded fresh
> from the server.
> Any ideas??

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