You are echoing my own thoughts :-)

Still, I see "stop supporting IE6" discussions even for JS libraries,
like it is "doing the right thing" to help evolve the web. I can
understand the reasoning although I don't agree with it. So, I think
it would be good if core devs could speak up on their long-term plan.
Without this, browsers that you and I need to support may well be gone
from the compatibility list in the next version. The only library that
seems to have done this homework is BBC's Glow, whose browser
deprecation decision tree seems to suggest a worst case of 2% for
deprecation (although I think there is a bug in the last part of the

Best regards

On Jan 11, 2:44 pm, Šime Vidas <> wrote:
> It would be really stupid (for a JS library) to cut off any browser
> with market-share above 1%, especially IE6 which won't go below 1%
> until maybe 2011.
> You can be sure, they won't do that.
> The big sites (Youtube, Facebook, ...) are doing a good job in asking
> their visitors to upgrade, but IE6 is (reportedly) big in companies
> where the regular employee cannot just upgrade if he wants to.

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