Hi All, this is the error i get in superfish menu in joomla

jQuery(function($){ $("ul.sf-menu").superfish({hoverClass:'sfHover',
pathClass:'active', pathLevels:0, delay:800, animation:
{opacity:'show'}, speed:'def', autoArrows:0, dropShadows:1}) });
jQuery(window).load( function() {jQuery("ul.sf-
menu").superfish_width_mod({ vertical:0, menuWidth:'100%', equalWidth:
0, resizeSeps:0, resizeSubMenus:0 }) })
jQuery.event.special.hover.delay = 100;
jQuery.event.special.hover.speed = 100;

Now Charlie (another user on this forum) says it could be the window
load function...it isnt, still gives errors, according to the error
report in IE its something to do with the bit around "ul.sf-menu" on
the fourth line down...any help would be greatly appreciated.


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