We run JRun4 with CFMX on win2k in a cluster supporting 1000s of
concurrent users and it's quite reliable, believe me.  Thanks, BenG.


> The server in questions is windows 2000, SP4.
> We're using the Server version (/jrun4)  and we're connecting to an Oracle
> backend.
> We're on JRUN Updater 3, and we've been running this configuration without
> issue, for about 6 months now.
> The problem appears to be load-based.. We usually don't have over 5 people
> on the server, developers are running their own local servers, so the
> database is already used to the load..
> I'll look into the stack trace, but I do have to co-ordinate several very
> busy people, in order to get the load on the server, so I'm not sure when
> I'll be able to do that yet.
> Thanks,
> ~ Jon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen Dupre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Did you try to get a stack trace when this was happening? (technote
> 18339 on
> www.macromedia.com <http://www.macromedia.com> )
> What platform are you running on?
> Are you using the server version (/jrun4) or the standalone (/cfusionmx).
> What backend are you connecting to?
> Have you applied any patches (hotfixes, new database drivers, etc).
> I'd not ready to finger your code until we look at known  issues that
> might
> cause CPU spikes (environment-related, patches, etc).
> Stephen Dupre
> Macromedia QA
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 12:19 AM
> To: JRun-Talk
> Subject: JRUN Stability
> I'm having an issue on a CFMX / JRUN server, when we get around 14
> simultaneous users, running an average sized lookup, our CPU spikes,
> our memory dives, and JRUN bites the dust.
> I've tried this on a single processor, 512mb machine, and it survived
> the load for approx 10-15 minutes.
> I switched to another server with 2 CPU's, and 1gb of ram, and it died
> in 5 minutes..  That server did have two CFMX JRUN server instances on
> it however. Only one was in "active" use though, the other was
> running, but with no connections.
> Both machines were tested multiple times, and the same behavior
> continued.
> Does anyone have any tuning suggestions, or alternative's like porting
> our app to run off JBOSS?
> TIA,
> ~ Jon
>   _____
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