> I guess that would work, though I'd have to come up
> with an EJB attribute naming scheme that would not collide with
> existing attribute names in the request object.  I guess it shouldn't
> be too hard to pick some obsure names for the EJB attributes to
> make the collision unlikely (I could even check first if I was real
> paranoid :-) Thanks for the suggestion.  I still would like to
> see some support added to JSP to have a standard way to locate
> an EJB from a JSP (i.e., using some standard JSP tag).
>     -- Bill

And it would mean you'd have to write servlets (yuk!). Perhaps the taglib
mechanism would help? I haven't looked at it throughly but it is supposed to be a
mechanism for extending the syntax...

Or maybe Sun could give us some idea of what they are thinking about after JavaOne
and we could discuss it further? (Don't think THATS going to happen!)

Richard Vowles, Senior Systems Engineer,
Inprise New Zealand
HTTP: http://www.esperanto.org.nz
[my messages contain my own opinions, not those of my employer]

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