I started playing with JSP about two weeks ago and I was using GNUJSP which
implements  version 0.92 of the spec. A couple of days ago I downloaded JSWDK1.0-ea
and tried to upgrade to version 1.0 of the spec but I've been having one headache
after another since then. I found that JSP don't work with JSWDK1.0-ea if you have a
directory starting with an 'u' in the path to your .jsp pages or to your scratch dir
(my punishment for using W95 for development ;), and once I changed the location of my
pages I also discovered that my import directives are ignored so I'm getting lots of
ClassNotFounException's. Just to make sure I tried with the .jsp sample pages that
come with the JSWDK and the same problem ocurred so... is the import directive not
implemented? The readme just says that the plugin and taglib directives have not been
yet implemented so I thought the other directives had been. I know it's an early
access release but is anybody using it normally?

JDK 1.1.8
Apache Web Server 1.3.6
Apache Jserv 1.0
JWDKEA 1.0-ea
JSDK 2.0
Windows 95

Any comments would really be appreciated.
Daniel Lopez Janariz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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