
Here I am again. I'm trying to play now with the "extends" directive. I
implemented a class that to be used in the extends directive and I
followed the SPC 1.0, but these are the problems I encountered.

.- First of all, the example they provide has some spelling mistakes but
that's no problem because they are very easy to fix.
.- My first compilation error told me that the class generated from the
.jsp page should be abstract because it didn't implement the jspInit and
jspDestroy methods. I  just created an empty version of them in my
HttpSuperJspPage and then it compiled to the next step. That's not a bug
but just something that it could/should be updated in the example of the
specification. I guess they didn't try to compile their own examples
with their engine ;).
.- After that, the compilation error I'm given is that I don't have an
appropiate constructor: Wrong number of arguments in constructor:
super("", true, 8192, true);
Well, nowhere in the spec it's specified that you need to have such a
constructor, I guess that's something specific to their own
implementation called HttpJspBase. I could provide such a constructor
but what do I have to do with those values??? The other compilation
errors I'm given are that I haven't declared an object called
pageContext. Well, again, nothing in the spec told me to do so and even
though I have been able to guess/learn from the spec where my class is
expected to get this object from, I think this should be clarified
somewhere or put in the jspInit method of the generated class by the
.- The last but not least issue is that after fixing all those problems,
now I've stumbled with a ClassCastException, and as it's generated
inside SUN's code I have no way of finding out why. My class implements
HttpJspPage so it shouldn't give me such an exception. Could it be
caused by the APache JServ using JSDK2.0 instead of JSDK2.1? Do
Javasoft's JSP engine just accept their own classes? Should I forget
about the extend directive until another release? Is anybody using this
directive with Apache now?

So my overall question is: Is JavaSoft's engine not compliant with the
spec or is the spec not updated, as it happened with the "imports"
directive? In the
latter case, is there any place from where we can get an updated

Comments are wellcome and really appreciated,
Thanks in advance,
Daniel Lopez Janariz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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