Hi, all. I am having problems running jsp pages with JRun build 150,
Windows NT 4, with Apache 1.3.6.

I have changed my apache document root to the following:

This is where the sample JSP 1.0 pages are. I then renamed
index.jsp10 to
index.jsp (otherwise, it wasn't recognized as a jsp page).

Next, I pointed my browser to localhost/index.jsp, and I receive the
following error ...

500 Internal Server Error




(The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)

Note that the path ACTUALLY IS AN INVALID PATH. Right in the middle,
it has
a "d:\", which makes it an invalid path. So the
com.livesoftware.jsp.JSPServlet is trying to do something with this
path, and an exception is thrown as a result.

Where does this path get generated? How can I correct the problem so
that a
correct path is built?

Charles Flowers
Online Insight, Inc.
(770) 792-7484

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