We me at Barnes&Noble several weeks ago. I picked up your book on Java Tools
for XP and became quite excited about XP.

I am involved in putting together a 1-day conference on software quality
assurance. We are still at the early stages but our current plans are for
early March at La Paloma. So far we have one firm commitment for a speaker,
from Ventana Medical Systems, and we are in discussions with Raytheon's
outreach program. We are planning for several one hour talks as well as one
or two panel discussions. There will also be a vendor area.

Time and place should become firm within the next week.

I hope you would be willing to speak. Please let me know as soon as
possible. Feel free to contact me for more details.


Martin Lapidus
(520) - 749-0200
A programmer is a machine that turns coffee into code

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