Hi Landon,

   I have some experience using Java and Eclipse on
the Mac.  I had similar experiences, Java is certainly
slower on the Mac than on Windows.  Apple is to some
degree responsible for the development of the Mac JDK
and they  promote Java objects to 'first class
citizens'.  They are typically a few paces behind the
windows version.  The media libraries do work fairly
well though I might add.  If you are working with
Imaging in Java I can certainly provide a lot of info.

  I am curious as to why you chose the Mac as your
platform...  The last few run-ins I had with the Mac
were 1) a company that was receiving funding directly
from Apple, 2) a small company whos owner was so
absolutely fed up with Windows he was willing to try
anything to get out, 3) my IPod.  Macs are great but
the user share is very small.  They are virtually
unused outside of America.  Eastern European
developers I work with have never even seen one...


--- Landon Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sorry if this is off-topic, but I noticed that there
> appears to be some
> Mac users on this list.  I recently purchased a 15"
> powerbook 1.67Ghz
> machine and for Java development... well, to be
> honest... it is
> sub-optimal.  It appears that the JDK is just plain
> slow!  On a project
> that I am working on, running the "core" unit tests
> on a 2 yr old
> thinkpad takes less than 1 min, on the brand new mac
> it takes over 2
> minutes.  Eclipse is equally slow compared to
> windows for me.  The
> incremental rebuild of eclipse takes so long on my
> mac that I have gone
> back to using my Thinkpad for development.  Here is
> what I have tried to
> improve performance:
> 1.    Disable Spotlight on my dev folders.
> 2.    Add memory (I have 1.5 GB on the mac, 1 GB on the
> thinkpad).
> 3.    Tried the latest 1.5 version of the Apple JDK.
> So here are my questions:
> Are other people finding Eclipse / JDK slow on the
> Mac?  Did tiger slow
> down the performance of Java (Tiger is a nice OS,
> but I think that I
> would have really liked Jaguar more. I find myself
> constantly on the
> verge of permanently disabling Spotlight and
> Dashboard Widgets haven't
> jumped out at me as necessary for the way I work.)?
> I am thinking that I might have to go back to my old
> laptop :(
> Thanks,
> Landon

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