It's not that Java is slow on the Mac, the *Mac* is slow. There's a reason Apple's *mainstream* PowerMac's are dual-CPU G5s, and that same reason has to do with why they're switching to Intel.

Still, I have a nice new Dell laptop, and a nice new PB G4 1.67GHz, and I always travel with the latter. The attention to detail (backlit keyboard, anyone?), ease-of-use, and Unix configurability are top-notch.

And yeah, don't enable Dashboard. You'll get some nice JS code pinning your CPU all over the place.

IDEA runs tolerably, but when I bill by the hour, I use my PC just because I'm so much more productive. Up until the recent version of IDEA, many hotkeys just didn't work. Very frustrating, as on the PC I don't touch the mouse for long periods.

Once you have an Intel Mac, I'd be very surprised if it ran much slower; the Apple guys have access to Sun's code and much of their JRE is Sun code -- I assume they'll be on top of the Sun x86 codebase for the Intel JVM.


On Sep 22, 2005, at 6:54 PM, Jt wrote:

I almost sent the same email, Western Europe is very mac friendly. And FWIW I wrote my whole book using Eclipse on the mac (iBook G3 800, pBook G4 1.25 & pBook G4 1.5).

In my opinion the mac is just a far more elegant and dependable machine and platform. If after using a mac you still have to ask why you'd want to then it is probably not for you. There are great PCs out there that will do a great job. I make my living on a dell, but my heart belongs to my mac.

Anyone else have an iSight camera? I got one this week and my life has changed again. :-)


PS: Macmails Message>Bounce feature is worth the price of admission in and of itself. But I agree, I am leery of the 'niftiness' of widgets. Try doing a 'top' while Wow server status widget is running for example.

On Sep 22, 2005, at 3:47 PM, Todd Ellermann wrote:

Your kidding yourself if you think Mac's are a U.S. centric thing. Try western europe a bit. Actually found Mac's in many coffee shops when I
was in Brussels and Nice.
Been a few years now, but I don't think uncle Bill is that much more
popular in europe.

Todd R. Ellermann

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