Yes, TR and I are interested in this also. Nov. 12th would work best for us.


Warner Onstine wrote:

I have posed this once before as an offshoot of a regular JUG meeting and it looks like we have enough interest in doing a little code-a- thon here shortly.

What is a code sprint?

Essentially it is a group of developers getting together to implement a set of functions into a system. In our case it would be to design some much needed pieces for the Tucson JUG.

What will we be coding?
After posing this at Tuesday's meeting I came up with a short list:
- An events calendar (using some code donated by Andy as the base)
- A membership sign-up form
- A membership directory
- Presentation archival tool

Plus some sysadmin type things:
- Integrate a blog
- Setup the Wiki
- Setup the bug-tracking system

When will we do this?
First I need to find out who is interested in participating, currently I have the following from the meeting:
Andy Barton
Warner Onstine
Rene Stone (I believe)
Duff (I believe)
(and a few others whom I didn't write down their names, chime in so I don't forget)

Depending on who else wants to get involved we will be meeting on a Sat, probably around 10 or 10:30 and running until 5 or so at one of two locations (still in the works), the most likeliest candidates for this are:
Oct. 29th
Nov. 5th
Nov. 12th

This will be our first code sprint and I don't expect to get all of the functionality we want completed, due to some ramp up time with the tools, but this is going to be a good starting point definitely.

What will be coding in?
Definitely Java, but you're probably interested in the tools. For now we are going to be basing what we do off of: Tapestry 4(, Spring 1.2 (http://, Hibernate (2 or 3)?, some HiveMind (http://

and other libraries as it seems fit

What will I need to bring?
We will need some people skilled in the above technologies (Tapestry, Spring, and Hibernate) so that they can act as mentors to their programming pair. We also need people to bring laptops/desktops that can be used by the programming pairs.

It would also be good to have your dev environment setup with the following: Eclipse with the Subclipse plugin (going to try and use Subversion as our version control, but have CVS available as well)
Maven and Ant installed and setup

Depending on how many people we get together I will try and coordinate and get lunch brought in for us.

Will this be Open Sourced?
Yes! The plan is to go ahead and use a BSD/Apache style license for everything we do and make it available to the public.



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