First off - thanks to everyone that attended last night.  I thought the
questions were great - I really appreciated that.

Tom (Michaud) & I were discussing preparing for the follow-up to
Git-Together.  We were thinking that it would improve the meeting if we
formulated some use cases and/or scenarios.  It would allow us time to
research and such prior to the next meeting.

I know there was some interest incorporating Git into Maven2 projects.  I
know there is some interest in using Git as a CVS-server (which is suppose
to ship with the application).  And I know there are general interested in
some branching scenarios (several of which were discussed last night).
Another was a variation of Chad's svn:externals/Third-Party Branch issue - I
believe it was allowing portions of the project to remain in CVS (or look
like they're in CVS).

I'm curious if we could flush out these a little more (and potentially add
to them, if needed).

The demonstrations from last night definitely indicated that I hadn't
rehearsed my examples, so it would be nice to have some concrete ideas to
incorporate into the code jam-session.


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