It is Sunday and we will be meeting in Newell Simon Hall at 3PM in the Atrium. 
As the students of CMU are getting ready to head home you should take this time 
to come and juggle with them. For all of the Slack Line People from the Summer 
you should stop by and try out our indoor slack line. If you do something 
really cool you could end up in Cracky's Holiday Video. They are points for 
anyone that can guess what Holiday Cracky celebrates. 

If you are not a student and are locked out or need help finding this place you 
can call me at 412 708-3638.  

As we near the holidays I would like to hear from the people sticking around. 
If you would like to continue the Sunday meetings through the break please send 
me an email. 

If you are lonely this holiday season and like Chinese Buffets please let me 
know. My troupe has a tradition of going to the fanciest Chinese Buffet in the 
area the week of Christmas. It is a way for me to feel like I have a family. I 
do have an actual family. They just don't speak to me because I am an 
embarrassment. So if you are considering running away to join the circus keep 
in mind you may never have a peaceful holiday again. You could also end up 
spending your holiday with half the clowns in Allegheny County. Take from that 
what you will. 

SR Gailey

Secretary of the Juggling Club and Smokey Robinson was right about this clown.
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