It is Sunday so that mean we will be juggling in Newell Simon Hall at 3:oo PM. 
As always if you need help getting in the building or finding it please call me 
at 412 708-3638.

If you are into the instagram I would like to invite you to join CMUjuggling on 
the phone program appetizer thing-a-ma-bob call Instagram. I am told that it is 
the bee's knees and all of the cool cats and kittens are using it. 

I would also like to incite you to keep Sunday evening March 15th free for the 
Ides of March March. 

SR Gailey

Secretary of the Juggling Club and not one of the Cool Cats or Kittens. Circus 
folk are measured on scale of coolness that transcends the Gilly ability to 
understand it. 
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