[srpskohrvatski / english / italiano]

Povodom Dana Republike: 
The art of monuments of Yugoslavia 1945–1991

1) ONLINE CONFERENCE: Architecture. Sculpture. Memory. The art of monuments of 
Yugoslavia 1945–1991
2) DOKUMENTARNI FILM: Umetnost sećanja / Milestones


=== 1 ===

In occasione della Giornata della Repubblica – anniversario della istituzione 
della Jugoslavia federativa e socialista (Jajce, Bosnia, 29.XI.1943.) – 
segnaliamo l'iniziativa internazionale che si sta tenendo in diretta online 
dedicata ai grandi monumenti dell'epopea partigiana, oggi riscoperti ed 
apprezzati dagli architetti ma troppo spesso lasciati alla mercé del vandalismo 
spontaneo della estrema destra o a quello organizzato delle nuove 
repubblichette secessioniste:


Architecture. Sculpture. Memory. The art of monuments of Yugoslavia 1945–1991

The exhibition Architecture. Sculpture. Memory. The art of monuments of 
Yugoslavia 1945–1991 started to travel to different cities of the territory of 
Ex-Yugoslavia. Because of COVID-19 restrictions the project continues online. 
The next stop is co-hosted by the creative community Avtomatik Delovišče under 
the auspices of the Municipality of Koper.. Together with Architectuul 33 
monuments will be presented daily with a conclusion online webinar on 29. 
November 2020.

10:00 CET Introduction 
Christian Burkhard, editor in Chief
Architectuul, Berlin 
Boštjan Bugarič, senior editor Architectuul, Berlin 
Mara Ivanič, Dessa Gallery, Ljubljana
10:10 Dignity of Memory (trailer by Ana Jovanović, Predrag Nedović, Aleksandra 
10:20 Spaces and Dignity
Sanja Horvatinčić, Institute of Art History, Croatia
Vladimir Deskov, Faculty of Architecture Skopje, North Macedonia 
Ana Ivanovska, Faculty of Architecture Skopje, North Macedonia
Maja Ivanič, Damjana Zaviršek Hudnik, Špela Nardoni Kovač, Špela Kuhar, DESSA 
Gallery, Slovenia
Jelica Jovanović, Docomomo Serbia
Boris Trapara, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bekim Ramku, Docomomo Kosovo
Slavica Vučković, Faculty of Architecture Podgorica, Montenegro
Moderator: Boštjan Bugarič
11:00 Yugoslavia Express  
Roberto Conte presenting the field photo trip in discussion with Boštjan Bugarič
11:30 Presentation and Dignity
Roberto Conte, Italy
Relja Ivanić, Serbia
Matija Kralj, Croatia
Elena Chemerska, North Macedonia
Donald Niebyl, Spomenik Database USA
Andrew Lawler, Spomenici NOB, Serbia
Moderator: Kristina Dešman
12:00 Embodied Experiences: Investigating the relation between architecture, 
landscape and symbolism in WW2 monuments of socialist Yugoslavia; a master 
thesis by Vida Rucli, Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana, menthors Maruša 
Zorec and Luka Skansi
12:30 Culture Routes in Montenegro
Slavica Vučković presenting the project 
13:00 (In)appropriate Monuments: Interview with Miodrag Živković 
In loving memory of Miodrag Živković by Jelica Jovanović

=== 2 ===

Con l'occasione segnaliamo anche lo splendido documentario "Umetnost sećanja / 
Milestones" sullo stesso tema, di Jelena Radenović:

Umetnost sećanja 

Directed by Jelena Radenovic

(Serbia 2019) 1h 2min | Documentary

Andy Day
Branislav Dimitrijevic
Andjelka Radelic Jovanovic
Djordje Kadijevic
Jan Kempenaers
Olga Manojlovic Pintar
Miodrag Zivkovic

Music by Ana Dukic
Cinematography by Pablo Ferro Zivanovic 
Film Editing by Spasoje Tufegdzic

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/441057981
Scheda: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11662020/
Pagina FB: https://www.facebook.com/Umetnost-sećanjaMilestones-108560437160870/

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