You mention stateless, thats fine, but for example, if you have sessions in
a web app, you'd need to share the sessions etc, so autoscaling isn't
really any different to juju add-unit except you've got some stuff to
monitor load and do it without user intervention. Also you'll find the flip
side to the autoscaling argument where nodes could shutdown mid flow or
ditch sessions etc, so whilst Im sure in a lot of places it works great,
you still have to create containers that work properly in a scaling
environment, which is exactly the same as when you design charms :)

I agree with the image stuff to some extent, certainly I've used that as a
selling point, the flip side of course is, do you run apt-get update when
you start a container? Maybe, but most people won't, what about the latest
security flaws in applications that will go unpatched? It also makes for
complacency .

Of course I agree, plenty of large businesses do run their stuff in docker,
I use docker in production, I'm not saying don't use docker :) I'm just
saying that in reality its not the panacea a lot of people who want to do
high volume scale out apps think it is, not without writing a lot of code
around it for your own solution :)

On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 2:34 PM, Merlijn Sebrechts <> wrote:

> I'm mostly working with researchers and people developing early
> prototypes. I can't blame them for using technologies that aren't
> production ready. That said, I attended pragmatic docker days a while back
> and there were some companies, like Yelp, who found a good way to run
> Docker in production so it is possible, given you have a boatload of good
> ops people.
> Big Data Europe <> seems to be going
> towards Docker containers for scalable Hadoop setups
> <>.
> Not that it's a production ready setup, but with a name like that and H2020
> funding, we (big data researchers) can't really ignore them...
> Juju is awesome for us (big data researchers) because we have a bunch of
> short-lived projects that use Hadoop etc. in a bunch of different setups,
> and
>    1. we don't want to be writing a new wrapper around the Hadoop chef
>    cookbook for every project;
>    2. we don't want to be creating a new "Hadoop + X" Docker container
>    for every setup.
> However, we can't ignore the advantages of Docker vs Juju:
>    1. image-based so the same setup is 100% reproducible if you have the
>    image;
>    2. auto scaling and failure recovery.
> So we want the stateless, auto-scalable, auto-recoverable images from
> Docker and we want Juju's relations and automatic configuration. So how to
> we get docker containers that can be configured at run-time by Juju? Ben is
> working on something to configure containers
> <>, but afaik, no integration with
> Juju planned.
> PS: We're interested in Mesos but, as always, our time-to-put-into-it is
> limited..
> 2016-11-18 12:27 GMT+01:00 Tom Barber <>:
>> I'll fork this so we're not hijacking another thread.
>> Mesos runs Mesos tasks via frameworks or Docker/Rocket containers
>> currently. Annoyingly they used to have a scriptable container endpoint I
>> was hoping to knock up a POC against but they removed it, and my C is
>> woeful so implementing it will take some time. I also asked on the Mesos
>> mailing lists and they couldn't grok the use case, apparently docker does
>> everything anyone needs ;)
>> When I was at the Pentaho meetup last week, there's already a bunch of
>> data folk who run DC/OS or Mesos to manage their workloads which sorta
>> validated my use case as prior to that it was only theoretical.
>> There are certainly a bunch of useful docker containers, I wouldn't deny
>> that for a second, but the docker reality in production is often a lot like
>> the Big Data stuff a few years back, it works but does it work well enough.
>> In some places certainly, but in others not so much. We make a lot of use
>> of Docker recently on some NASA projects, but I'm under no illusions that
>> in reality Juju running containers would be a much improved plan, but they
>> already have Mesos etc running so why upset the apple cart? Similarly at
>> ApacheCon we had developers praising Docker and Systems Administrators
>> saying its the bane of their life.
>> That said, you don't really see people spin up a scalable hadoop setup in
>> Docker because it would be annoying to maintain, but you could easily do
>> that in Juju on whatever, or Puppet etc. Of course you can do it, and it
>> will become more common over time especially with k8s auto scaling etc for
>> sure.
>> Who said Mesos or DC/OS providers and charms wouldn't get official
>> support? That said currently we're just lacking bandwidth to build them(I
>> speak entirely as an impartial observer I have no real idea if they'd get
>> Canonical support, but why not?) ;)
>> Tom
>> On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 9:59 AM, Merlijn Sebrechts <
>>> wrote:
>>> Wait, wouldn't this require juju to have an "mesos" provider, so juju
>>> can request lxc containers from mesos? I've heard something like this
>>> mentioned at the Summit, will this become a reality? [that would be
>>> awesome!]
>>> We want support for Docker containers because:
>>>  - A lot devs we work with create their prototypes in docker
>>>  - There are a bunch of useful docker containers with stuff that isn't
>>> charmed yet
>>> We want Kubernetes because:
>>>  - Auto scaling
>>>  - Auto failure recovery
>>>  - It has a future beyond Docker
>>>  - The Charms are officially supported by Canonical (hence Kubernetes >
>>> Mesos)
>>> 2016-11-18 10:41 GMT+01:00 Tom Barber <>:
>>>> What you want Merlijn is LXC on Apache Mesos so you can provision a
>>>> Mesos cluster on MAAS and then provision Juju Charms into LXC on the
>>>> infinitely scalable cluster! Docker is cool but until it releases the
>>>> proper orchestration stuff, it comes a poor second to deploying workloads
>>>> with Juju ;)
>>>> That's not a slight at the great work Adam, Chuck and co are doing, but
>>>> feedback I got from people at the Pentaho User meetup last weekend and
>>>> ApacheCon this week who all get 'stuck' with Docker once the convenience
>>>> factor has gone away. Anyway, I digress.... Amazing getting proper Docker
>>>> running on LXD as well.
>>>> Tom

Tom Barber
CTO Spicule LTD

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