On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 12:35 AM, John Myles White

> (4) Using both tabs and spaces is a huge problem in a shared codebase.
> This is probably the only rule in my entire list that I’m actually going to
> enforce in the code I maintain. IIRC, Python completely forbids mixing
> these kinds of space characters at the language level.

IMHO tabs should totally be avoided.  We can configure our editors/IDE to
behave tabs like spaces.
I know vim does that [set expandtab], and we can use <tab> key for all
general purpose and it expands
to spaces.

> (7) + (8) These rules are part of the official Google style guides for R,
> which is the language with the most similarity to Julia that’s being used
> at companies with public facing style guidelines. I think they’re quite
> sensible rules, which is why I decided to borrow them from published
> standards.
> (18) + (19): This is clearly an area of big disagreement in our community.
> I might pull them out into a suggestions section since I’d really prefer
> that code submitted to things like DataFrames.jl follow this rule, but
> don’t want to include a rule that’s going to be a big schism in the
> community.
> (22) + (23) + (24): I may take these out as well. I definitely agree that
> there’s a big difference between performance guidelines and style
> guidelines, although that line is blurry when you’re trying to keep a
> codebase written in a consistent style.
> (31): Comments aren’t PDF’s or HTML or any other language designed for
> transmitting carefully formatted documents. You don’t get to use images,
> properly formatted tables, etc. I find diagrams are an essential part of
> good documentation. I think conflating documents with code leads to
> documents that are less readable and lots of lines in code that’s not
> actually worth reading.
> (35): I might take this one out as well. It’s somewhere on the boundary
> between a performance tip and a style habit worth developing.
>  — John
> On Dec 31, 2013, at 11:12 AM, Daniel Carrera <dcarr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Personally, I do not think that a more thorough style guide is
> necessarily better. That said, I will give you my comments:
> >
> > (4):  I like tabs and I use them.
> >
> > (7) + (8):  I disagree. Although I generally use comma+space as you say,
> at times I deviate from that when I feel that doing so will improve the
> clarity and readability of my code.
> >
> > (18)+(19):  I disagree. Although I could favour rules like this in a
> particular project, in many cases I think that adding type annotations just
> creates syntactic noise and can create a needless limitation.
> >
> > (22)+(23)+(24): I do not think that performance tips belong in a style
> guide. You could spend a lot of time writing performance tips and I don't
> see an obvious reason why the three tips you chose are more important than
> other performance tips.
> >
> > (31): I partially disagree. I like writing documentation (e.g. tutorial
> or explaining an algorithm) at the top of the file. I like having the
> documentation in the same file as the code that it refers to. I do not know
> what you mean when you say that "English documents are more readable when
> not constrained by the rule of code comments". What rules are those?
> >
> > Also, I rarely want to have a diagram in my documentation because that
> involves starting a WYSIWYG program like LibreOffice or something like
> that. I haven't really felt a lot of need for diagrams.
> >
> >
> > (35): This doesn't sound like a style thing either. Advice on the
> correct way to use a module, or how to maintain precision or avoid
> round-off errors, do not belong in a style guide. This sort of thing
> belongs in either the documentation for the module, or on some tutorial
> about numerical computation.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Daniel.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tuesday, 31 December 2013 10:01:23 UTC-5, John Myles White wrote:
> > One of the things that I really like about working with the Facebook
> codebase is that all of the code was written to comply with a very thorough
> internal style guideline. This prevents a lot of useless disagreement about
> code stylistics and discourages the creation of unreadable code before
> anything reaches the review stage.
> >
> > In an attempt to emulate that level of thoroughness, I decided to extend
> the main Julia manual’s style guide by writing my own personal style
> guideline, which can be found at
> https://github.com/johnmyleswhite/Style.jl
> >
> > I’d be really interested to know what others think of these rules and
> what they think is missing. Right now, my guidelines leave a lot of wiggle
> room.
> >
> >  — John
> >

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