On Monday, January 27, 2014 3:57:50 PM UTC-5, Rajn wrote:
> Ok, I got it now to run it without using PyCall and pyinitialize.
> I just changed PyCall line where ENV variable is set i.e.,
> changed from [ENV] = @windows exec_prefix: preconfigvar(...,"prefix") etc 
> to
> [ENV] = exec_prefix
Wait, what?  You changed

     ENV["PYTHONHOME"] = @windows? exec_prefix : pyconfigvar(python, 
"prefix") * ":" * exec_prefix


     ENV["PYTHONHOME"] = exec_prefix

?? But on Windows (where @windows is true), those two lines should be 
exactly equivalent!  Did I misunderstand you?


PS. I just tried a fresh Windows 8.1 x64 machine.  Installed Anaconda 
(64-bit), installed Julia 0.2 (64-bit), ran Pkg.add("PyPlot"); 
Pkg.add("IJulia") in julia, and then ran "ipython notebook --profile julia" 
at the Windows command prompt.   Everything seems to work fine, no patches 

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