Ok, I'm trying to reconcile Jameson's suggestion to generally assume an 
overlap, and Tim's to expect no overlap with arrays if pointer(a) != 
pointer(b). Doesn't this imply that pointer(input) == pointer(output) a typical 
array function? With subarray's I fully expect sharing memory, just by the type 
of the output. I guess I had hoped that vec would have returned an array-view 
type or sub-array type to indicate what is happening. 

Side note: I've been preaching Julia to everyone I meet. I usually start the 
sermon with "when you start using Julia it will initially behave/feel very much 
like R or Matlab,  but then when you need the full power of a fast modern 
language it is there for you". Can I really say the first part of the sermon if 
I need to tell them to generally expect outputs sharing memory with inputs 
(which, to my knowledge, is very different from how matlab and R behave)? 

I hope I'm not sounding critical (cuz I love the language). Mainly, I want to 
really understand how things work so I can better sell it to students and 


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