@Simon and @Jameson: Yep, vec seems preferred to [:]. I just took a look at 
readlines and it was a bit clunky (I had to open the file, then readlines gives 
me a Array{Union(UTF8String,ASCIIString),1}, then I convert to 
Array{Float64,1}, then I guess I should close the file). In the end I was just 
hoping that writecsv(file,x::Array{Float64, d}) for d<= 2 then followed by 
readcsv(file) would give me the same Array{Float64, d} back. I'm saving and 
loading a few matrices and vectors, some which I have to go back and append [:] 
or |> vec when I hit an error. No big deal really...but now I'm addicted to how 
clean Julia reads and I can't help it.

@Time: Thanks for the encouragement. I guess it can't hurt for me to give it a 

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