You can easily make an Array{Int32}. I'm not sure if that's your point or

On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 1:51 PM, J Luis <> wrote:

> yes, but those are scalars not (potentially big) arrays.
> Sábado, 12 de Julho de 2014 21:33:17 UTC+1, Stefan Karpinski escreveu:
>> On 32-bit systems, Int is Int32. 64-bit systems tend to have enough
>> memory, not to mention the fact that pointers, indices, etc. are natively
>> 64-bit on those systems.
>> On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 1:21 PM, J Luis <> wrote:
>>> Sábado, 12 de Julho de 2014 21:16:04 UTC+1, John Myles White escreveu:
>>>> On Jul 12, 2014, at 1:04 PM, J Luis <> wrote:
>>>> > That is also true but a much more rare case, typemax(Int32) is still
>>>> a quite high number for an array size and before an Int64 is needed changes
>>>> are non negligible that a memory requested failed because a big contigous
>>>> chunk of memory was not available. Well, this is my Matlab experience,
>>>> which I would like not have repeated in Julia.
>>>> Have you hit a problem with this in Julia in practice or is it a mostly
>>>> hypothetical concern? I’ve worked with arrays that contain billions of
>>>> entries a bunch of times and haven’t had any problems on a machine with
>>>> sufficient RAM to cope with that kind of workload.
>>> Regarding the Julia world is only, as you say, an hypothetical concern
>>> ... but based on previous experience. The "sufficient RAM" is the keyword.
>>> With 32 bits less RAM (e.g. as in laptops) may have been the "sufficient".
>>> Joaquim

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