...with the newest nightly, and after installing GhostScript (recommended 
by ImageMagick) the printed errors are a bit different:
Warning: New definition
    scale(ScaleNone{T<:Integer},S<:FloatingPoint) at 
C:\Users\xxx\.julia\v0.3\Images\src\scaling.jl:56 is ambiguous with:
    scale(ScaleNone{T<:Real},T<:Real) at 
To fix, define
before the new definition.
INFO: loaded GLFW 3.0.4 Win32 WGL MinGW DLL from 
ERROR: opening file screenshot.png: No such file or directory in 
systemerror at error.jl:39
while loading C:\Users\xxx\.julia\v0.3\GLPlot\example\image.jl, in 
expression starting on line 30

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