While 3D graphics packages are still in early development for Julia, I
believe that community uses 32 bit floats almost exclusively, probably
because of bandwidth constraints to the GPU (but someone with more
knowledge should correct me).

Cheers, Kevin

On Tuesday, July 29, 2014, Júlio Hoffimann <julio.hoffim...@gmail.com>

> 2014-07-29 19:32 GMT-03:00 John Myles White <johnmyleswh...@gmail.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','johnmyleswh...@gmail.com');>>:
>> I think the confusion is that Julio assumes Int is used for brevity, when
>> it is actually used for cross-platform compability.
>>  -- John
> Yes, I assumed the Int alias had these two goals: brevity + portability. I
> still think a cleaner Float alias would be useful to avoid typing 64
> everywhere.
> Júlio.

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