> I've not used NumericFuctors so I can't comment on your main question. If
> it's of any use, there's an entirely different approach (more of a dirty
> trick, really) to inlining functions passed in as arguments. Here's a gist
> that shows the trick:
> https://gist.github.com/timholy/bdcee95f9b7725214d8b

Thanks Tim, it is useful! by making more explicit the relevance of the
constructor trick:

type sinc_plus_x end
sinc_plus_x(x) = sin(x)/x + x

function sumf{F}(::Type{F}, x::AbstractArray)
    s = 0.0
    for xs in x
        s += F(xs)

The above sumf is conceptually exactly the same as the one in your gist
(and so achieves the same performance), only it delegates the
meta-programming stuff to the compiler :-)

Unfortunately, I failed to find a more general efficient solution, in the
vein of
sum(imap(sinc_plus_x, x))
where imap is an iterator similar to the one in package Iterators.jl (or
python's imap): memory allocations are triggered, for no obvious (to me)
reasons (my guess would be tuples allocations in the next() implementation).

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