> Love it! I get your point much better now. I'll be using it in the future
> :).

:) Yes I was probably a bit succint.

> Re Iterators, yes, your guess is spot on---it's those pesky tuples (which
> are
> way better than they used to be, see
> https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/4042). In high performance code,
> iterators from Iterators are usually a bottleneck.

OK thanks. I actually used a simpler imap (which handles only single
argument functions) than in Iterators.jl, getting much better results, but
still 48*lenght(x) bytes allocated, and slower (roughly by x10) than sumf.

> The recently-added iterator
> macros can sidestep that problem in some circumstances, but not without
> internal changes. Perhaps one option would be to explore using them more
> widely in Iterators?

Maybe. For my tests I annotated the functions with the ":inline" hint (from
base/inference.jl, disabled in master, but it's 4 lines to uncomment),
which is "supposed" to inline the calls to the imap wrapper functions, with
no gain in this case. So I would believe that the overhead is caused only
by heap allocations (+ gc), and not by not inlining.

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