I'm not entirely sure what you're looking for, but if you have a long list 
of data and want to compute a moving average, then it suffices to convolve 
your data with a box function. The Fourier convolution theorem says that 
you can do this using Fourier transforms, so if you really want to avoid 
using a loop, you can instead compute a smoothed version of your data using 
the built-in rfft and irfft functions. 
See http://www.dspguide.com/ch6/2.htm for more info, and look for an 
intro-level digital signal processing course, as that would definitely 
explain smoothing data in detail.

On Thursday, September 18, 2014 7:26:20 AM UTC-4, paul analyst wrote:
> I have a vector x = int (randbool (100)) 
> a / how quickly (without the loop?) receive 10 vectors of length 10, in 
> each field the average of the next 10 fields of the vector x (moving
> /stepen  average of 10 values ​​at step = 10)? 
> b / how to receive the 99 vectors of length 10 of the next 10 fields 
> wektra x (moving/stepen average of 10 values ​​at step = 1)?
> Paul

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