>"Mixed operations involving decimal and binary floating-point or integer 
types are supported (the result is promoted to decimal floating-point)."

>Is that really advised?

I meant for binary only. Mixing with integer is ok.

Another idea. Mixing ok, but promoting to binary. Subsequent calculations 
will not be slow :) Con, why start with decimal in the first place?

Another idea, can convertions be disabled by default (get runtime 
errors/exceptions) and you could enable them if you want globally? Not sure 
if that works or has to do with macros.. Runtime penalty?


On Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 11:56:28 PM UTC, Páll Haraldsson wrote:
> "In general, you should be able to use the DecFP types in any context 
> where you would have used binary floating-point types: arrays, complex 
> arithmetic, and linear algebra should all work, for the most part."
> Way better than what I was going for - I thought only +, -, *, / was 
> needed and maybe only wanted.. plus convert but not automatic:
> "Mixed operations involving decimal and binary floating-point or integer 
> types are supported (the result is promoted to decimal floating-point)."
> Is that really advised? Is that what you do or the C library? In C you 
> have automatic promotion between native types, but I guess you can't 
> otherwise. The library you wrap provides converts (good), you make them 
> automatic (bad?).
> At first blush, as Julia is generic by default, this seems what you would 
> want, but is it? When I thought about this, it seemed just dangerous. If 
> you force people to use manual conversion you might get away with wrapping 
> fewer functions?
> "Most basic arithmetic functions are supported, and many special functions 
> (sqrt, log, trigonometric functions, etc.)."
> I'm not sure if the library you wrap provides this and if it does, doesn't 
> convert to binary floating point, runs the function, then converts back? 
> Whether it does it or you do it, is it not better to let the user decide on 
> both converts? And faster if you eliminate some..
> I just scanned the code or one file:
> for c in (:π, :e, :γ, :catalan, :φ)
> Not sure if these are the only Julia constants.. Or only you care about. 
> Anyway, wasn't expecting to see them in any decimal context. I would not be 
> rich with π dollars in my account. :)
> -- 
> Palli.
> On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 1:26:17 AM UTC, Steven G. Johnson wrote:
>> The DecFP package
>>       https://github.com/stevengj/DecFP.jl
>> provides 32-bit, 64-bit, and 128-bit binary-encoded decimal 
>> floating-point types following the IEEE 754-2008, implemented as a wrapper 
>> around the (BSD-licensed) Intel Decimal Floating-Point Math Library 
>> <https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-decimal-floating-point-math-library>.
>> Decimal floating-point types are useful in situations where you need to 
>> exactly represent decimal values, typically human inputs.
>> As software floating point, this is about 100x slower than hardware 
>> binary floating-point math.  On the other hand, it is significantly 
>> (10-100x) faster than arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic, and is a 
>> memory-efficient bitstype.
>> The basic arithmetic functions, conversions from other numeric types, and 
>> numerous special functions are supported.

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